Tag: shopping

The Holiday Rush

With the holidays quickly approaching I find myself rushing about. I’m running around buying gifts, anxious for online orders to arrive in the mail, looking for the best sales, trying to find popular presents that are sold out, setting out holiday decorations. The holidays bring a lot of excitement around our home. Allicia is five years old now and Kimiko is in the terrible twos!

Now that Kimiko is a little older, she understand Christmas more. She doesn’t fully get it yet, but she knows that she gets toys! Allicia is excited too. She hasn’t stopped talking about Christmas since October! It’s all we’ve heard about!

I do love seeing the girls so excited though. It makes all the shopping, wrapping and decorating hassles worth it. Their beautiful smiles on Christmas day when all the gifts are under the tree. Its so much fun to watch them open the gifts or to help them! I’m going to try and take pictures this year. Its hard though. The girls don’t want to wait to open presents. Allicia didn’t want to wait last year and was tearing them open before I was even fully awake. I can tell that Kimiko is following in her sister’s footsteps. 🙂

I love my girls! I wish you all a very Happy Holidays!